Spice Without Borders

Spice Without Borders Founder, Erick Inghatt Matsanza, wins the Nonprofit Leader of the Year 2023 at KEMEN Awards.

Erick Inghatt Matsanza, the Founder Spice Without Borders won the Nonprofit Leader of the Year 2023 at KEMEN Awards.

The prestigious accolade was presented to Erick Matsanza during the inaugural Kemen Awards hosted on the 15th December 2023 at Maanzoni 680 Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya where Matsanza’s dedication to impacting the lives of those at the margins of society in Kenya and beyond was applauded.

The Kenyan diaspora has become a powerful force in community impact at a time when globalization has eliminated obstacles and enabled smooth cross-border collaborations. Kenyan Men Empowerment Network (KEMEN) is an association of Kenyan men living in the diaspora. The group aims to create a forum where Kenyan men in diaspora address issues that affect them and find appropriate solutions to solve them.

The recognition of Matsanza’s community leadership showcases the exceptional contributions in empowering those at the backyards and making an impactful contribution to the entrepreneurship and social change ecosystem.

His unwavering dedication, innovative approaches, and commitment to catalyzing social change has made a profound impact in the nonprofit sector and beyond.


About Us

Spice Without Borders is a global leadership academy and incubator dedicated to fostering social change innovation. Our mission is to define and drive social change by empowering activists, creatives, entrepreneurs, initiators, and innovators from the margins of society. We equip them with the necessary tools and skills to initiate and grow their ideas into sustainable projects that make a meaningful impact on their communities.

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