Spice Without Borders

Our Theory of Change

Spice Without Borders’ theory of change is that accelerating social change by investing in the leadership development of an entrepreneur focused on social impact will result in enterprise growth and, ultimately, exponential social impact.

Erick Inghatt Matsanza if the Founder and Social Change Catalyst of Spice Without Borders. Founded in 2015 on the belief that growing socially conscious leaders is the best strategy for solving complex social problems and achieving social change for global good.

Social change in the world today needs to be more bottom-up rather than top-down. Nurturing passions is the central underlying factor that must be in place in order for any bottom-up development to take place because only if skills are nurtured can people come up with and take responsibility and ownership of different solutions.

People have the right to speak directly rather than be spoken for as this creates an environment where we are able to understand and appreciate each ones abilities. Talents could be packaged in any form; activism, creative, entrepreneurial, initiation or innovation. We believe that creating opportunity platforms for active citizen participation are key to the development of a democratic society.

To change the way people think we have to nurture the freedom of expression and disrupt the status quo. Individual passions are a powerful social change tool that can be used to recreate the world. Community passions and culture can become a global movement today because of the cost of technology and the ease of distribution, which presents the possibility that the needs and knowledge of the underprivileged from the margins of society can be heard on a massive scale.

An informed citizenry that enjoys freedom of expression with access to platforms that ignite and nurture passions is necessary to the proper functioning of a democracy. Developing community spaces for expression and skill development is a vital way to highlight concerns of the people in developing countries, allowing the underprivileged citizens from the margins of society to be able to make a contribution to the local economy and advocate on their own behalf.

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