A chili comes in different colours; red, purple, orange, green and yellow, but with the same taste.
It grows in the backyard, almost forgotten and unrecognized yet a valuable ingredient for our meals as a blood purifier.
It never loses its spiciness whether boiled or dried and crushed, a symbol of the inner uniqueness in each individual irrespective of their different abilities no matter what they have to go through in life.
A chili actually changes the taste offood yet the food can never change it.
To us a red chili represents a social change agent ready to creatively apply their individual passions in solving the most pressing problems in their backyards which they are apart of, creating more inclusive communities free from all forms of discrimination hence Spice Without Borders.
These diverse change makers; activists, creatives, entrepreneurs, initiators and innovators, use their unsensored “creativism,” a term that to us means activism at the intersection of creative arts and social justice.